Thursday, July 19, 2007

Things have been really hectic since my last post. We've nearly finished the kitchen and Erika's been busy painting other areas of the house. But there's still so much more to do.
We're due to ride out to Hungary on Sunday but my bike's still not back from the Bike shop that was checking some problems I'd been having. I'm off work sick with a really bad cold/flu and the weather's terrible. If everything comes together for Sunday morning we'll be heading down to Dover, across to Dunkirk then heading for Frankfurt where we'll stay overnight, a journey of around 600 miles on the 1st day!! All being well we'll set off Monday morning, continuing through Germany, into Austria and on to Hungary, arriving in Eger on Monday evening in time to meet up with Joe who set off last weekend. Tuesday should be spent working out what materials we will need when Joe and I return in August. The rest of the week we will buy these items in and get them to the house in Sirok. Hopefully we'll get time to spend a day at the Bike show. We set off back on the 30th, arriving home on the 31st, one day at home then back to work.